Nome da Revista: Police Practice
and Research
Classificação: B3
Dossiê Temático: Replicating
& Reproducing Policing Research
Prazo: 01/04/2022
Titulação: Não informada.
The Social Sciences has been struggling with what has been termed a “replication crisis” (Maxwell et al., 2015). The focus on publishing ‘novel’ or ‘unique’ findings means that very few studies are ever subsequently reproduced, their findings simply accepted without being subjected to thorough re-testing and verification by other researchers.
In relation to Criminology, McNeeley and Warner (2015, p. 581) observed that “replication studies constitute just over 2 percent of the [criminology] articles published between 2006 and 2010.” Further, of those published, the majority were papers in which the results did not support the findings in the original study.
As part of our interest in advancing the evidence base in policing research, we are seeking studies that explicitly attempt to either replicate or reproduce previous findings in the field of policing. Our emphasis on both replication and reproduction allows for diverse quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches that replicate in whole, or reproduce in part, previous studies. In keeping with the journal’s editorial vision, submitted papers should:
Focus on a topic related to one or more aspects of public policing
Provide clear statements as to the study’s policy or practical implications
Consider the global scope of our audience
Be methodologically rigorous