Nome da Revista: Journal of Behavioral and
Experimental Finance
Classificação: B3
Dossiê Temático: Perceptions and expectations
of risk, return, and related financial concepts
Prazo: 31/10/2021
Titulação: Não informada.
The Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (JBEF) is calling for paper submissions for a special issue titled “Perceptions and expectations of risk, return, and related financial concepts”. This special issue will collect innovative work on retail investors’ and financial professionals’ perceptions and expectations of risk, return, and related financial concepts. We are interested in factors that shape such perceptions as well as their impact on financial behavior. We particularly welcome submissions of papers addressing the following topics:
Drivers of the perceived attractiveness of different assets for retail investors
Drivers of investor expectations regarding return and risk (including different definitions and measures of risk)
Different ways of communicating and framing risk, return, and historical performance, and their effect on investment behavior
(Mis)perception of financial concepts like diversification, correlation, risk factors, etc.
Effects of regulatory standards regarding the presentation of investment products on financial behavior.
We are primarily interested in the determinants of the perception of, and expectations about, risk and return. The special issue does not so much focus on risk preferences, except insofar as they moderate the former.
The deadline for paper submissions is October 31, 2021. Articles will be published in the journal upon acceptance like regular articles and will thus not have to wait for the entire special issue to be compiled. In addition to publication in regular journal issues, articles will also be published together in a virtual special issue, available both online and for print-on-demand. Please choose the article type “SI Perception in Finance” when submitting your paper in JBEF’s online submission system (the submission fee will be waived for special issue articles).
The special issue will be edited by Christoph Merkle (Aarhus University, Guest Editor,, Stefan Zeisberger (Radboud University and University of Zurich, Guest Editor,, and Stefan Palan (University of Graz, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Please address any inquiries you may have to them.