quinta-feira, maio 20, 2021

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance - "Recent developments in financial literacy and financial education" - Até 30/06/2021

Nome da Revista: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance

Classificação: B3

Dossiê Temático: Recent developments in financial literacy and financial education

Prazo: 30/06/2021

Titulação: Não informada.

Link para a chamada: Clique aqui

The Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (JBEF) is calling for paper submissions for a special issue titled “Recent developments in financial literacy and financial education.” This special issue will collect innovative work in both financial literacy and financial education research. We particularly welcome submission of papers addressing the following topics:

Experimental and quasi-experimental impact evaluations of financial education programs (e.g., in primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, workplaces, or online)

Behavioral lab or lab-in-the-field experiments testing mediation effects of financial literacy on behaviors

Empirical research documenting the causal effect of financial literacy on investment behavior and outcomes

Observational studies addressing potential endogeneity of financial literacy through novel identification strategies (such as new instrumental variables or new econometric models)

Papers studying measurement models and survey questions measuring financial literacy, including international surveys and knowledge of specific topics (taxes, pensions, etc).

The deadline for paper submissions is June 30, 2021. Articles will be published in the journal upon acceptance like regular articles and will thus not have to wait for the entire special issue to be compiled. In addition to publication in regular journal issues, articles will also be published together in a virtual special issue, available both online and for print-on-demand. Please choose the article type “SI Financial Literacy” when submitting your paper in JBEF’s online submission system, available from the journal website (the submission fee will be waived for special issue articles).

The special issue will be edited by Annamaria Lusardi (The George Washington University, Guest Editor, alusardi@gwu.edu), Tim Kaiser (University of Koblenz-Landau and German Institute for Economic Research, Guest Editor, tkaiser@diw.de), and Stefan Palan (University of Graz, Co-Editor-in-Chief, stefan.palan@uni-graz.at). Please address any inquiries you may have to them.