quinta-feira, setembro 24, 2020

Health and Human Rights Journal - “Viewpoints: health inequities and the convention on the elimination of racial discrimination” - Até dezembro de 2020

Nome da Revista: Health and Human Rights Journal

Classificação: B2

Dossiê Temático: “Viewpoints: health inequities and the convention on the elimination of racial discrimination”

Prazo: 12/2020

Titulação: não informada

Link para a chamada: clique aqui 

Texto da chamada


Although far from over, 2020 will surely be remembered as the year the world could no longer ignore the social and political determinants of health. COVID-19 has starkly exposed truths long known by people belonging to minority ethnicities or populations – they experience worse health than others, and the impact of crises, health or otherwise, is far greater on them. The experience of racial discrimination demonstrates the inter-relatedness and indivisibility of all human rights: discriminate against a person in respect of any one human right, there are health consequences.

Equality and non-discrimination are central principles in human rights conventions that articulate the right to health, including ICESCR, CRC, and CEDAW. The Human Rights Committee and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights defined discrimination as any distinction, exclusion, restriction, preference, or other differential treatment that is based on prohibited grounds, including “race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”

But in this moment, we invite contributions that examine racism, racial discrimination and health specifically. We encourage submissions that examine these issues not just as a matter of social injustice, but also as a human rights failing. We hope authors will explore intersectionality and how engagement with human rights will not just present an analysis of the current climate and how it has failed minorities everywhere in the world, but also how human rights mechanisms of accountability could be used for redress. We encourage authors to examine how the Convention of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has been used to address racism and its pernicious impact on health in conjunction with other mechanisms of redress and accountability.

We welcome Viewpoints from activists, human rights defenders, and scholars, to reflect on their experiences and their research into race, health inequities and human rights. Viewpoints may engage COVID-19 and its impacts on race – or explore any other public health issue.

We hope this space contributes to connections between different disciplines and the multiple actors within each. It provides an opportunity for health inequities to be viewed through the lens of CERD, which entitles all human beings to be treated equally before the law and protected against any discrimination. The Covenant also acknowledged and condemned colonialism and its associated practices of segregation and discrimination.

Submissions should be between 1000 and 1500 words, with numbered references. See full details here. Viewpoints will be given expedited review and will be published online, and a selection will be published in the December issue. Please submit to hhrsubmissions@hsph.harvard.edu. The call is now open, and will remain so throughout this year.